We are

Taunton Vale Rotary Club

People of action - Making a Difference - Transforming livesJOIN US

We are always interested in welcoming new members.

Come join a lively group of friendly people committed to supporting those in need in our local community and farther afield.Associate and Corporate Membership also available.

Thanks to everyone who supported our recent Charity Quiz Night.Nearly £1,000 was raised which will be shared between ARC and Escape (see below) and our other community projects.

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Join Wrap Up!

Providing warmth to those who need it most. There are hundreds of people living on the street or in need. One of the most basic of needs at this time of year is warmth. You can help provide that by finding your long forgotten or unwanted coats hidden away in your hall cupboard or back of the wardrobe. We are not looking for money we just want your coats!Arc inspire has kindly agreed to act as our distributer. Their offices at 7 The Crescent, Taunton TA1 4EA are open between 8:30am and 4:30pm for collection. Simply pop your coats in a bag marked by gender and, if appropriate, age and take them along. That's it! One small thing that will mean the world to those who need it most.Don't delay - do it now!

Taunton Vale Rotary's primary charities this year are Arc and Escape Support Group

The majority of the funds raised at this year's events will go these two charities but our regular Rotary charities will also benefit and some funds will be retained for disaster appeals.


Taunton Vale Rotary Golf Day - July 3rd 2025

Save the date!Last year, over £5,500 was raised for charity. Our thanks to all players, volunteers and the staff at Oake Manor Golf Club.


 What we've been up to