Kit Checklist and VITAL Information

Please read this carefully to the end.


At check-in each team leader will be supplied with a reflective jacket, carrying a team number, which must be worn at all times. Please ensure that this jacket is returned when you leave the course at the final checkpoint.

This kit will be inspected and no teams released to walk without it.

Each Team MUST have:

    OS maps – Explorer Maps 128 (Taunton & Blackdown Hills)
    Compass – several directions are dependent on compass bearings (not a mobile phone, they are not considered accurate enough). Please ensure you know how to use a compass, you may be asked to demonstrate this.
    Mobile phone – for emergency use only
    Whistle – for emergency use only
    First aid kit – for minor emergencies – An ambulance and first aid team is stationed at Central Control throughout the night.
    Water and some emergency food.
    Pens/pencils with which to complete clue sheets.

Each Team Member MUST have:

    Reflective clothing – Hi-Vis tabards can be purchased at Central Control if needed.
    Appropriate warm and waterproof clothing, with suitable boots or shoes (trainers and denim jeans are not advisable).
    Torch plus spare battery.
    Hand sanitiser


You may wish to carry refreshments. There will be drinking water at Checkpoints. Soup, pasties, coffee and tea (the cost of which is included in the entry fee you have paid) will be supplied at the half-way stage.


Teams receive points for each section completed and for correct answers to clues. The standard time for each section is on the instructions given at each Check Point. You will lose points for late arrival (a point for every five minutes late up to a maximum of three). There are no points for arriving early – Moonraker is not a race.


In the event of serious accident please dial 999 then alert Central Control as soon as you’re able.

For other accidents or injuries contact the Central Control using your mobile phone – the number is displayed on every direction sheet. If you are able to make contact stay where you are and a search and rescue team will find you.
Alternatively: At least one team member must stay with the injured party and the remaining team members go to the nearest Check Point to fetch help. Be aware that this may be the checkpoint you’ve just left. Ambulance cover is on site and can be summoned at any time.
Checkpoint grid references will be supplied on the detailed route instructions. If you need help to come to you, sound three long blasts on your whistle every two minutes. Any team proceeding to help should answer with one long blast and alert Control by mobile phone if they’re able to. A search party is available to find lost teams, ie. teams who are late arriving at a Check Point. If you are lost or very late and you hear a single long blast, you should answer the search party by giving three long blasts.
Abandoning the walk: Should any member of your team have to give up, you must report this to one of the organisers at a Check Point. If this leaves your team with less than three members your team may be asked to abandon the walk. If needed transport will be provided to return the member or team to the start point and car park.
If for any reason a team member gives up between checkpoints this must be advised to Central Control using the emergency numbers on your Direction sheet AND the next Checkpoint. This is vitally important as we keep a record of every person on the course which cannot be closed until every walker is accounted for.


Remember, this is an initiative and endurance test which you tackle at your own risk. Parts of the course will, in the dark, require care and common sense. When you walk on roads, use a torch front and rear, and ensure your reflective clothing can be seen. Entrants are asked not to make excessive noise anywhere on the course, but particularly where the route passes near houses. Unnecessary noise or use of the whistle will incur penalties, only one warning will be given, after which the team will be withdrawn.  

Please observe any requests on your clue sheets to be quiet.

 NO clues or questions are situated on private houses, and care should be taken not to shine torches into windows or onto the front of houses. No routes pass through private homes, please do not climb gates or enter private gardens to access the route.
Avoid disturbing wildlife and deer in particular. Some sections of the course are on private farm land.
Please take all your litter home with you. We regret there will be no bags provided at checkpoints this year.


The Rotary Club of Taunton Vale invites you and your team to an Award evening on November 25th At Oake Manor Golf Club 6:30 for 7pm start

This Award evening is free of charge to all walkers. Numbers of those attending should be emailed to ku.gro.yratorelavnotnuat%40olleh before 11th November 2024.
Our corporate sponsors will be distributing trophies to the winners of each course and to the team that raises the most sponsorship. Refreshments will be provided and the whole evening will be free of charge, except for a bar at normal prices. You can also find out what questions you missed and where you got lost as well as more about the charities you have supported.
We look forward to seeing you on the night and trust that you’ll have an enjoyable walk and a fabulous time!